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As mentioned in the Design Philosophy, everything in carefree-drawboard 🎨 is a plugin, so it will be important to understand how plugins are built / work. In this page, we will cover the common parts that every plugin will share, and leave those specific parts to separate pages.

How to -

Find / Use Plugins?

In the future, we will implement a built-in marketplace for plugins, so that you can publish / search / download / use them easily. For now, you may need to build your own plugins from scratch. 😣

However, since plugins can be built within one single file, for now you can share your plugins by simply sharing the source code of the plugin file. 😆

And, as we introduced in the Getting Started, we have a Register Mechanism for the plugins, so you can include others' plugins without worrying too much - unless you import & register them, no side effects will be caused.

Publish Plugins?

As mentioned above, we will implement a built-in marketplace for plugins in the future, so publishing plugins will be very easy. But for now, you may need to share your plugins by:

  • Simply sharing the source code of the plugin file.
  • Follow the Contributing guide and submit a PR.

Build Plugins?

That's what this page is mainly about. 😎 Stay tuned!

Basic Concepts

A Plugin in carefree-drawboard 🎨 usually consists of two parts:

  • The plugin button, which is used to trigger the expansion of the expand panel.
  • The expand panel, which is used for users to interact with the plugin.

For some special plugins (e.g., Delete, Download, Undo, Redo, etc.), the 'expand panel' will be omitted because user interaction ends with the click of the plugin button.

So a typical workflow of a plugin will be:

  1. Users click the plugin button.
  2. The expand panel is expanded.
  3. Users interact with the expand panel, e.g., fill in some input fields.
  4. Users click the Submit button to send the filled inputs to the backend.
  5. The expand panel is collapsed, the plugin button is showing some progress indicators during the processing (e.g., a progress bar), and the backend will be processing the user inputs.
  6. The drawboard 🎨 will be updated once the processing is done.

To make things easier, we extracted the common parts of the plugins into the Built-in Bindings, so you only need to concern about:

  1. What should be the Styles of the plugin button and the expand panel?
  2. What should be the Logics when the Submit button is clicked and the user inputs are sent to the backend?

After all things are done, you or other users can utilize the Register Mechanism to register the plugins into the drawboard 🎨. Before which, no side effects will be caused.

And in the following sections, we will cover these concepts in detail.


To utilize the common parts of the plugins, you need to inherit from one of the Built-in Bindings (e.g., IFieldsPlugin).
from cfdraw import *

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(...)

async def process(self, data: ISocketRequest):

The first import line
from cfdraw import *

is a typical import line for every carefree-drawboard 🎨 app. It will import all the necessary stuffs for you to build your plugins.


In carefree-drawboard 🎨, we specify Styles in the settings property.
from cfdraw import *

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(...)

async def process(self, data: ISocketRequest):


API reference

As the highlighted lines show, we should return an instance of IPluginSettings in the settings property.


We return a class instance instead of a dict here because we want to utilize the auto-completion feature of IDEs.

The IPluginSettings can be used to specify:

  • The Styles of the plugin button and the expand panel.
  • The behaviours of the expand panel, this is specified in a separate class - IPluginInfo.

Although we can also treat 'behaviours' as 'Styles', we separate them for better understanding.

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(
# width of the expanded panel
# height of the expanded panel
# tooltip of the plugin
tooltip="Apply Gaussian Blur to the image",
# specify that this plugin should only appear when an image is selected
# specify that this plugin should appear at the right-top of the selected image
# specify that this plugin should 'follow' the selected image when it is dragged / resized

Most properties of the IPluginSettings are pretty self-explanatory, while the nodeConstraint, pivot and follow properties are a bit tricky. See Plugin Positioning for more details.


API reference

This is where you specify the behaviours of the expand panel. In reality, we should use one of the Built-in Bindings (e.g., IFieldsPluginInfo) instead of using the IPluginInfo directly.


We introduce Built-in Bindings because every plugin has some common behaviours & some specific behaviours, so we extract the common behaviours into the IPluginInfo, while leave the specific behaviours to the Built-in Bindings.

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(
# specify that the plugin should stay expanded even after the users click the 'Submit' button
# specify that the plugin should show a toast message after the users click the 'Submit' button
# specify the toast message to be shown after the users click the 'Submit' button
toastMessageOnSubmit="Gaussian Blur applied!",


In carefree-drawboard 🎨, we specify logics in the process method.
from cfdraw import *

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(...)

async def process(self, data: ISocketRequest):

As you can see, the only argument of the process method is data, which is an instance of ISocketRequest. Generally speaking, it contains the following information:

  • User data (e.g., userId).
  • Data of the user inputs.
  • Data of the selecting Node(s) on the drawboard 🎨.

So it is enough for most if not every scenario!


However, providing all necessary data is not the end of the story, we also need to make sure that we can utilize the data in a convenient way. For example, for any plugin that requires processing an image, we should be able to get a PIL.Image instance as easy as possible.

Therefore, carefree-drawboard 🎨 provides a set of Built-in Methods to help you out. A typical example is the load_image method, which can help you download an image from a url in an async way:
from cfdraw import *

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(...)

async def process(self, data: ISocketRequest):
url = data.nodeData.src
image = await self.load_image(url) # type: PIL.Image

Register Mechanism

API reference

In carefree-drawboard 🎨, every plugin needs to be registered to actually work. Let's say you defined a plugin in the file:
from cfdraw import *

class MyPlugin(IFieldsPlugin):

Then in your main app file (e.g.,, you can register it like this:
from cfdraw import *
from my_plugin import MyPlugin

app = App()

If there's another plugin called MyPlugin as well in another file (e.g.,, and you want to register it as well, you can:
from cfdraw import *
from my_plugin import MyPlugin as MyPlugin1
from my_plugin2 import MyPlugin as MyPlugin2

# Notice that you need to keep the 'name' you passed to the
# `register_plugin` function unique across all registered plugins!
app = App()

carefree-drawboard 🎨 introduced this register mechanism because it can make the whole system:

  • More decoupled. You can now define plugins freely without worrying about any side effects.
  • More extensible. If you want to use plugins implemented by others, you can simply import & register them.


Built-in Bindings

In carefree-drawboard 🎨, a Built-in Binding often refers to two things:

  • A class for your plugin to inherit from.
  • A class which inherits from IPluginInfo for you to specify the pluginInfo property of IPluginSettings.

For example, the most commonly used Built-in Binding is IFieldsPlugin, and you should use it like this:
from cfdraw import *

class Plugin(IFieldsPlugin):
def settings(self) -> IPluginSettings:
return IPluginSettings(

async def process(self, data: ISocketRequest):

And here's a table of all the supported Built-in Bindings:

Plugin Base Class
IFieldsInfo inheritor
You may ask: why do we need a Base Class for the plugin?

In fact, Base Class is no more than an ISocketPlugin with a pre-defined type property. For example, here's the complete code of IFieldsPlugin:

class IFieldsPlugin(ISocketPlugin):
def type(self) -> PluginType:
return PluginType.FIELDS

So with a Base Class, you don't need to speciy the type property anymore. Now the question becomes: why do we need a type property? The answer is: we need it in case Middleware wants to subscribe for only a / some specific type(s) of plugins. For example, the TimerMiddleware will only subscribe for plugins that are inherited from IFieldsPlugin:

class TimerMiddleware(IMiddleware):

def subscriptions(self) -> List[PluginType]:
return [PluginType.FIELDS]
class IFieldsPlugin(ISocketPlugin):
def type(self) -> PluginType:
return PluginType.FIELDS

Plugin Positioning

The positioning of the plugins in carefree-drawboard 🎨 is relatively simple. We only need to keep three things in mind:

  1. Should the plugin always be displayed, or should the plugin be displayed if and only if certain Node(s) are selected?
  2. Should the plugin 'follow' the selected Node(s), or should it stick at the edge of the drawboard 🎨?
  3. Which Pivot should we place our plugin?

Let's show some examples below to demonstrate the ideas!

  • The plugin will be displayed if and only if the ImageNode is selected.
  • The plugin will follow the rt (right top) corner of (the bounding box of) the ImageNode.

  • The plugin will always be displayed.
  • The plugin will be placed at the rt (right top) corner of the entire drawboard 🎨.

exactly=[NodeConstraints.IMAGE, NodeConstraints.PATH]
  • The plugin will be displayed if and only if (exactly) an ImageNode & a PathNode are selected.
  • The plugin will follow the rt (right top) corner of (the bounding box of) the selected Nodes.