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  • If you just want a quick deploy, use the --unified mode and you are all set.
  • If you want it more production ready, you should at least modify the upload logic.


carefree-drawboard 🎨 is not designed to be production ready out of the box, because Infinite Drawboard is so powerful that it contains many business logics which may vary from project to project. Currently we implement these logics based on local file system to make it easy for quick start and development, but in order to put it into production, you'll need to implement some core interfaces and replace the default implementations with your own. This page is to guide you through the process.


Good news is carefree-drawboard 🎨 already abstracted the core interfaces into a single folder - cfdraw/app/endpoints, and each logic is implemented in a single file, so your modifications can be organized easily.


The minimum modifications you need to make are:

  1. Nothing (if you use the --unified mode), congrats!

The suggested modifications are:

  1. The upload logic.
  2. The project logic.

The extra modifications you may need to make are:

  1. The Environment Variables.
  2. The User Management logic.
  3. The Loading Page logic.
  4. The Hosting logic.

Environment Variables

  • [optional] CFDRAW_API_URL: The url of your backend server.
    • To make things easier, we suggest using the --unified mode. In this case, this will also be the url of the frontend server. And since we will use current origin as the default value, you can safely ignore this.
    • This is only useful when you split frontend and backend into two servers.
  • [optional] CFDRAW_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: You should specify The actual product url as this value, there are mainly two cases:
    • If you are hosting carefree-drawboard 🎨 directly, you can set it to the CFDRAW_API_URL.
      • And since we will use current origin as the default value, you can safely ignore this.
      • But for safety concerns, you should still set it to the actual product url. In this case, we will NOT use current origin anymore, so it can serve as a simple security layer.
    • If you are using carefree-drawboard 🎨 in an <iframe> or something like that, you should set it to the url of the page that contains the <iframe> (because in this case you should postMessage to carefree-drawboard 🎨 with your page, see useAuth for more details).
  • [optional] CFDRAW_UPLOAD_ROOT: The root directory of the uploaded stuffs (images, projects, ...).
  • If you customized the upload logics, you can safely ignore this.


This is a good starting point, because it is important, not complicated, and you often have already implemented the related SDKs already.



Modify the ImageUploader class locates at cfdraw/app/endpoints/


The default add_upload_image function implements three endpoints:

  1. /upload_image, to 'upload' the image to the local file system, and get the image URL (based on the saved path).
  2. /fetch_image, which is used in Download plugin in carefree-drawboard 🎨. It accepts an image URL and some parameters and should return the corresponding image.
  3. get_image, to accept the image URL as a GET request and return the image (by parsing the image path from the URL and then read it from the local file system). This is used when we set the src property of an <img> HTML tag.

If you want to put it into production, you can:

  1. Choose your cloud storage service, and implement the upload_image method of ImageUploader based on the SDKs.
  2. Based on the corresponding SDKs, implement the fetch_image method of ImageUploader.
  3. Ignore the GET request (get_image), because the image URL will now point to the cloud storage, so you don't need to parse it yourself.


carefree-drawboard 🎨 supports project management, which makes it easy to save/load/share/rename your projects. The default implementations are again based on the local file system, so in order to put it into production, you may need to replace it with a database based one.

Here are the endpoints that you need to consider (we omit the userId parameter here for simplicity):

  1. /save_project, to save the given project to your database. Every project in carefree-drawboard 🎨 is guaranteed to be JSON-serializable and the fields are rather static, so you can either use Relational Database or Document Database (or other kinds of database you like) to store it.
  2. /get_project/{uid}, to get a project based on the given uid.
  3. /all_projects, to get all available projects. Notice that only meta information of each project will be returned here to reduce the response size.
  4. (DELETE) /projects/{uid}, to delete the project based on the given uid.

The input/output schema of each endpoint is defined in the Python file with pydantic.


Currently carefree-drawboard 🎨 is using to start the backend server no matter what, which might not be sufficient for production. Here's the corresponding code:

def run_backend(module: str, *, log_level: constants.LogLevel) -> None:
console.rule("[bold green]Launching Backend")
config = get_config()
# I'm not familiar with production stuffs of `uvicorn`, so currently
# only the `reload` flag is different.

Unfortunately, as the comment says, I'm not familiar with production stuffs of uvicorn. So if you are an expert, you can modify these codes based on the flag.

Also see Hosting for more details.

User Management

carefree-drawboard 🎨 supports user management by putting all user-related information into the userStore (locates at cfdraw/.web/src/stores/user.ts), which is a mobx store. If you would like to use your own user system, you may align your user information to the Properties of this store (e.g., set the userId as your own user ID).

After that, you may need to further adjust the endpoints mentioned above to make them work with your user system.


carefree-drawboard 🎨 suggests using <iframe> for quick production, so it implements a useAuth hook natively. You don't actually need to know about the details behind it, what you need to do are only:

  1. Modify the CFDRAW_ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment variable to your page's URL (this page should contain the <iframe>).
  2. Use postMessage to post { userId } to carefree-drawboard 🎨 (see userId for more details).

And carefree-drawboard 🎨 will recognize the userId and handle the rest for you.



In carefree-drawboard 🎨, each user should have a unique userId, which is used to:

  • Manage projects.
  • Manage uploaded images.
  • Assign a unique UserRequestQueue to each user (see RequestQueue for more details).

If you want to use your own userId, you may use an <iframe> which points to carefree-drawboard 🎨, and then use postMessage to send the userId to the <iframe>.

We provided an example of the above process: the postPseduoUserId function, which locates at cfdraw/.web/src/hooks/useSetup.ts.

Loading Page

carefree-drawboard 🎨 provides a loading page, and you can customize the fade out timing if you want. By default, we will fade out the loading page when all icons of react plugins have loaded. If you want to wait for other resources to load, here's a brief guide:

  • The loading page will fade out when the isReady flag of setupStore (locates at cfdraw/.web/src/hooks/useSetup.ts) returns true.
  • if you want to wait for other resources to load, you can:
    • add a field to ISetupStore, SetupStore & makeObservable.
    • set this field to true only when the resources are loaded.
    • modify the isReady property, and make it return true only when this field is true.

You may refer the useCheckIconLoaded to see how we wait for all initial icons to load.