Design Principles

carefree-learn was designed to support most commonly used methods with carefree APIs. Moreover, carefree-learn was also designed with interface which is general enough, so that more sophisticated functionality can also be easily integrated in the future. This brings a tension in how to create abstractions in code, which is a challenge for us:

  • On the one hand, it requires a reasonably high-level abstraction so that users can easily work around with it in a standard way, without having to worry too much about the details.
  • On the other hand, it also needs to have a very thin abstraction to allow users to do (many) other things in new ways. Breaking existing abstractions and replacing them with new ones should be fairly easy.

In carefree-learn, there are five main design principles that address this tension together:

We will introduce the details in the following subsections.

Common Blocks

Source code:

carefree-learn implements many basic blocks which can directly form famous models, such as VAE, AdaIN, CycleGAN, BERT, ViT, FNet, StyleGAN, U^2 Net etc. The best of carefree-learn is that, it not only reproduces the official implementations, but also reuses everything it could. For example:

  • The Decoder used in VAE and CycleGAN is the same (with different args / kwargs).
  • The Transformer used in BERT and Vit is the same (with different args / kwargs).
  • Transformer and FNet shares most of the codes, except that Transformer uses Attention but FNet uses fourier transform.
  • And much more...


In general, there are three kinds of configurations in carefree-learn:

  • Model configurations.
  • Trainer configurations.
  • Pipeline configurations, which is basically constructed by the above two configurations.

See specifying configurations for more details.

Register Mechanism

Source code: WithRegister.

In carefree-learn, it is likely to see @xxx.register(...) all around. This is very useful when we want to provide many useful defaults for users.

Here's a code snippet that well demonstrates how to use register mechanism:

from cflearn.misc.toolkit import WithRegister
foo = {}
class FooBase(WithRegister):
d = foo
class Bar(FooBase):
def __init__(self, name="foobar"): = name
print(foo["bar"]().name) # foobar
print(FooBase.get("bar")().name) # foobar
print(FooBase.make("bar", {"name": "barfoo"}).name) # barfoo


Source code: ModelProtocol.

In carefree-learn, a Model should implement the core algorithms. It's basically an nn.Module, with some extra useful functions:

class ModelProtocol(nn.Module, WithRegister, metaclass=ABCMeta):
d = model_dict
def device(self) -> torch.device:
return list(self.parameters())[0].device
def onnx_forward(self, batch: tensor_dict_type) -> Any:
return self.forward(0, batch)
def summary_forward(self, batch_idx: int, batch: tensor_dict_type) -> None:
self.forward(batch_idx, batch)

As shown above, there are two special forward methods defined in a Model, which allows us to customize onnx export procedure and summary procedure respectively.


See Customize Models section for more details.


Source code: Trainer.

In carefree-learn, a Trainer should implement the training loop, which includes updating trainable parameters with an optimizer (or, some optimizers), verbosing metrics / losses, checkpointing, early stopping, logging, etc.


Although we can construct a Trainer from scratch, carefree-learn provides make_trainer function, which contains many useful default Trainer values.


Source code: DLPipeline.

In carefree-learn, a Pipeline should implement the high-level parts (e.g. fit, predict, save, load, etc.), and will be the (internal) user interface. It's basically a 'wrapper' which can use a Trainer to train a Model properly, and can serialize the necessary information to disk.


Although carefree-learn focuses on Deep Learning tasks, the most general abstraction (PipelineProtocol) can actually utilize traditional Machine Learning models, such as LinearRegression from scikit-learn.


See Specify Configurations section for more details.

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