
Although it is possible to get a rather good performance with default configurations, performance might be gained easily by specifying configurations with our prior knowledges.

We've already mentioned the basic ideas on how to configure carefree-learn in Introduction, so we will focus on introducing how to actually configure Pipelines in this page.

Specify Configurations

There are three ways to specify configurations in carefree-learn:

  • Construct a Pipeline from scratch.
  • Leverage DLZoo to construct a Pipeline with a JSON file.
  • Utilize cflearn.api (recommended!).

Let's say we want to construct a Pipeline to train resnet18 on MNIST dataset, here are three different ways to achieve this:

m =
"in_channels": 1,
"num_classes": 10,
"latent_dim": 512,
"encoder1d": "backbone",
"encoder1d_config": {
"name": "resnet18",
"pretrained": False,

We'll describe some details in the following sections.


Since carefree-learn exposed almost every parameter to users, we can actually control every part of the Pipeline through args and kwargs of __init__.

Although Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing are very different, they share many things in common when they are solved by Deep Learning. Therefore in carefree-learn, we implement DLPipeline to handle these shared stuffs.


The DLPipeline serves as the base class of all Pipelines, and for specific domain, we need to inherit DLPipeline and implement its own Pipeline class.

class DLPipeline(PipelineProtocol, metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(
loss_name: str,
loss_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
# trainer
state_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
num_epoch: int = 40,
max_epoch: int = 1000,
fixed_epoch: Optional[int] = None,
fixed_steps: Optional[int] = None,
log_steps: Optional[int] = None,
valid_portion: float = 1.0,
amp: bool = False,
clip_norm: float = 0.0,
cudnn_benchmark: bool = False,
metric_names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
metric_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
use_losses_as_metrics: Optional[bool] = None,
loss_metrics_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
recompute_train_losses_in_eval: bool = True,
monitor_names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
monitor_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
callback_names: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
callback_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
lr: Optional[float] = None,
optimizer_name: Optional[str] = None,
scheduler_name: Optional[str] = None,
optimizer_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
scheduler_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
optimizer_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
workplace: str = "_logs",
finetune_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
tqdm_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
# misc
in_loading: bool = False,
  • loss_name
    • Loss that we'll use for training.
    • Currently carefree-learn supports
      • Common losses: mae, mse, quantile, cross_entropy, focal, ...
      • Task specific losses: vae, vqvae, ...
  • loss_config [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding loss.
  • state_config [default = {}]
  • num_epoch [default = 40]
    • Specify number of epochs.
    • Notice that in most cases this will not be the final epoch number.
  • max_epoch [default = 1000]
    • Specify the maximum number of epochs.
  • fixed_epoch [default = None]
    • Specify the (fixed) number of epochs.
    • If sepcified, then num_epoch and max_epoch will all be set to it.
  • fixed_steps [default = None]
    • Specify the (fixed) number of steps.
  • log_steps [default = None]
    • Specify the (fixed) number of steps to do loggings.
  • valid_portion [default = 1.0]
    • Specify how much data from validation set do we want to use for monitoring.
  • amp [default = False]
    • Specify whether use the amp technique or not.
  • clip_norm [default = 0.0]
    • Given a gradient g, and the clip_norm value, we will normalize g so that its L2-norm is less than or equal to clip_norm.
    • If 0.0, then no gradient clip will be performed.
  • cudnn_benchmark [default = False]
  • metric_names [default = None]
    • Specify what metrics do we want to use for monitoring.
    • If None, then no metrics will be used, and losses will be treated as metrics.
  • metric_configs [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding metrics.
  • use_losses_as_metrics [default = None]
    • Specify whether use losses as metrics or not.
    • It will always be True if metric_names is None.
  • loss_metrics_weights [default = None]
    • Specify the weight of each loss when they are used as metrics.
  • recompute_train_losses_in_eval [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we recompute losses on training set in monitor steps when validation set is not provided.
  • monitor_names [default = None]
    • Specify what monitors do we want to use for monitoring.
    • If None, then BasicMonitor will be used.
  • monitor_configs [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding monitors.
  • callback_names [default = None]
  • callback_configs [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding callbacks.
  • lr [default = None]
    • Default learning rate.
    • If not specified, carefree-learn will try to infer the best default value.
  • optimizer_name [default = "None"]
    • Specify which optimizer will be used.
    • If not specified, carefree-learn will try to infer the best default value.
  • scheduler_name [default = "None"]
    • Specify which learning rate scheduler will be used.
    • If not specified, carefree-learn will try to infer the best default value.
  • optimizer_config [default = {}]
    • Specify the optimizer's configuration.
  • scheduler_config [default = {}]
    • Specify the scheduler's configuration.
  • optimizer_settings [default = None]
    • Specify the fine grained configurations of optimizers and schedulers.
    • We should not specify optimizer_name, ... if we want to specify optimizer_settings.
    • See OptimizerPack for more details.
  • workplace [default = "_logs"]
    • Specify the workplace of the whole training process.
    • In general, carefree-learn will create a folder (with timestamp as its name) in the workplace, and will dump everything generated in the training process to it.
  • finetune_config [default = None]
    • Specify the finetune configurations.
    • If None, then we'll not utilize the finetune mechanism supported by carefree-learn.
    • See finetune_config for more details.
  • tqdm_settings [default = None]
    • Specify the tqdm configurations.
    • See TqdmSettings for more details.
  • in_loading [default = False]
    • In most cases this is an internal property handled by carefree-learn itself.


This Pipeline aims to solve general deep learning tasks.

class SimplePipeline(DLPipeline):
def __init__(
model_name: str,
model_config: Dict[str, Any],
# The rest is the same as `DLPipeline`
  • model_name
    • Model that we'll use for training.
  • model_config [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding model.


This Pipeline will provide some useful default settings on top of dl.SimplePipeline.

class CarefreePipeline(SimplePipeline):
def __init__(
# The rest is the same as `dl.SimplePipeline`


This Pipeline is exactly the same as dl.SimplePipeline, just an alias.


This Pipeline is exactly the same as dl.CarefreePipeline, just an alias.


This Pipeline aims to solve tabular tasks. It will always use MLModel as its model, and we can only specify the core of the MLModel.


The reason why carefree-learn does so is that in tabular tasks, there are many common practices which shall be applied everytime, such as:

  • Encode the categorical columns (to one_hot / embedding format, required).
  • Pre-process the numerical columns (with min_max / normalize / ... method, optional).
  • Decide the binary threshold in binary classification tasks.
  • ......

In order to prevent users from re-implementing these stuffs over and over again, carefree-learn decides to provide MLModel which wraps everything up. In this case, we can focus on the core algorithms, without concerning the rest.

class SimplePipeline(DLPipeline):
def __init__(
core_name: str = "fcnn",
core_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
input_dim: Optional[int] = None,
output_dim: Optional[int] = None,
loss_name: str = "auto",
loss_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
# encoder
only_categorical: bool = False,
encoder_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
encoding_methods: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
encoding_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
default_encoding_methods: Optional[List[str]] = None,
default_encoding_configs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
# misc
pre_process_batch: bool = True,
num_repeat: Optional[int] = None,
# The rest is the same as `DLPipeline`
  • core_name [default = "fcnn"]
    • Core of MLModel that we'll use for training.
  • core_config [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding core.
  • input_dim [default = None]
    • Input dimension of the task.
    • If not provided, then cf_data should be provided in MLData which we want to train on.
  • output_dim [default = None]
    • Output dimension of the task.
    • If not provided, then cf_data should be provided in MLData which we want to train on.
  • loss_name [default = "auto"]
    • Loss that we'll use for training.
    • As default ("auto"), carefree-learn will use:
      • "mae" for regression tasks.
      • "focal" for classification tasks.
  • loss_config [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding loss.
  • only_categorical [default = False]
    • Specify whether all columns in the task are categorical columns or not.
  • encoder_config [default = {}]
    • Configurations of Encoder.
  • encoding_methods [default = None]
    • Encoding methods we will use to encode the categorical columns.
  • encoding_configs [default = {}]
    • Configurations of the corresponding methods.
  • default_encoding_methods [default = ["embedding"]]
    • Default encoding methods we will use to encode the categorical columns.
  • default_encoding_configs [default = {}]
    • Default configurations of the corresponding methods.
  • pre_process_batch [default = False]
    • Specify whether should we pre-process the input batch or not.
  • num_repeat [default = None]
    • In most cases this is an internal property handled by carefree-learn itself.


This Pipeline will provide some useful default settings on top of ml.SimplePipeline.

class CarefreePipeline(SimplePipeline):
def __init__(
# The rest is the same as `ml.SimplePipeline`

Configure DLZoo

Since it will be tedious to re-define similar configurations over and over, carefree-learn provides DLZoo to improve user experience. Internally, DLZoo will read configurations from cflearn/api/zoo/configs, which contains a bunch of JSON files:

# This will read the cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/resnet18/default.json file
m = cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline("clf/resnet18", num_classes=10)
# This will read the cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/resnet18/gray.json file
m = cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline("clf/resnet18.gray", num_classes=10)

The general usage of DLZoo should be as follows:

m = cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline("task/model.type", **kwargs)
  • task
  • model
  • type
    • Specify the model type we want to use.
    • If not provided, we will use default as the model type.
  • kwargs
    • Specify the keyword arguments of the Pipeline, described above.
    • See Example section for more details.


Although carefree-learn wants to make everything as easy as possible, there are still some properties that carefree-learn cannot make decisions for you (e.g. img_size, num_classes, etc.). These properties will be presented in the __requires__ field of each JSON file.

For example, in resnet18, we will need you to provide the num_classes property, so the corresponding JSON file will be:

"__requires__": {
"model_config": ["num_classes"]

Which means we need to specify num_classes if we want to use resnet18:

m = cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline("clf/resnet18", num_classes=10)

In fact, the 'original' configuration should be:

m = cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline("clf/resnet18", model_config=dict(num_classes=10))

Because num_classes should be defined under the model_config scope.

Since this is quite troublesome, we decided to allow users to specify these 'requirements' directly by the names, which makes DLZoo more readable and easier to use!


The following two code snippets have same effects:

m =
"num_classes": 10,

Configure cflearn.api

Since DLZoo mainly depends on JSON files which cannot provide useful auto-completion, carefree-learn further provides cflearn.api, which is a thin wrapper of DLZoo, as the recommended user interface.

Configuring cflearn.api will be exactly the same as configuring DLZoo, except that it can utilize auto-completion which significantly improves user experience.

m = cflearn.api.resnet18_gray(10, metric_names="acc")

Configuration Details

make_multiple mechanism

This mechanism is based on the Register Mechanism.

make_multiple mechanism is useful when we need to use either one single instance or multiple instances (e.g. use one metric / use multiple metrics to monitor the training process):

  • When we need one single instance, only one single name (str) and the corresponding config is required.
  • When we need multiple instances, their names (List[str]) are required, and the configs should be a dictionary, where:
    • The keys should be the names.
    • The values should be the corresponding configs.

The source codes well demonstrate how it works:

def make_multiple(
names: Union[str, List[str]],
configs: configs_type = None,
) -> Union[T, List[T]]:
if configs is None:
configs = {}
if isinstance(names, str):
assert isinstance(configs, dict)
return cls.make(names, configs) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(configs, list):
configs = [configs.get(name, {}) for name in names]
return [
cls.make(name, shallow_copy_dict(config))
for name, config in zip(names, configs)


Source code:

class TrainerState:
def __init__(
loader: DataLoaderProtocol,
num_epoch: int,
max_epoch: int,
fixed_steps: Optional[int] = None,
extension: int = 5,
enable_logging: bool = True,
min_num_sample: int = 3000,
snapshot_start_step: Optional[int] = None,
max_snapshot_file: int = 5,
num_snapshot_per_epoch: int = 2,
num_step_per_log: int = 350,
num_step_per_snapshot: Optional[int] = None,
max_step_per_snapshot: int = 1000,
  • loader
    • This will be handled by carefree-learn internally.
  • num_epoch
    • Specify number of epochs.
    • Notice that in most cases this will not be the final epoch number.
  • max_epoch
    • Specify the maximum number of epochs.
  • fixed_steps [default = None]
    • Specify the (fixed) number of steps.
  • extension [default = None]
    • Specify the number of the extended epochs per extension.
    • So basically, we'll not extend the epoch for more than max_epochโˆ’num_epochextension\frac{\mathrm{max\_epoch}-\mathrm{num\_epoch}}{\mathrm{extension}} times.
  • enable_logging [default = True]
    • Whether enable logging stuffs or not.
  • min_num_sample [default = 3000]
    • We'll not start monitoring until the model has already seen min_num_sample samples.
    • This can avoid monitors from stopping too early, when the model is still trying to optimize its initial state.
  • snapshot_start_step [default = None]
    • Specify the number of steps when we start to take snapshots.
    • If not specified, carefree-learn will try to infer the best default value.
  • max_snapshot_file [default = 5]
    • Specify the maximum number of checkpoint files we could save during training.
  • num_snapshot_per_epoch [default = 2]
    • Indicates how many snapshots we would like to take per epoch.
    • The final behaviour will be affected by max_step_per_snapshot.
  • num_step_per_log [default = 350]
    • Indicates the number of steps of each logging period.
  • num_step_per_snapshot [default = None]
    • Specify the number of steps of each snapshot period.
    • If not specified, carefree-learn will try to infer the best default value.
  • max_step_per_snapshot [default = 1000]
    • Specify the maximum number of steps of each snapshot period.


Source code:

This is the default monitor of carefree-learn. It's fairly simple, but quite useful in practice:

  • It will take a snapshot when SOTA is achieved.
  • It will terminate the training after patience steps, if the new score is even worse than the worst score.
  • It will not punish extension

So in most cases, BasicMonitor will not early-stop until max_epoch is reached.

class BasicMonitor(TrainerMonitor):
def __init__(self, patience: int = 25):
self.patience = patience
self.num_snapshot = 0
self.best_score = -math.inf
self.worst_score: Optional[float] = None
def snapshot(self, new_score: float) -> bool:
self.num_snapshot += 1
if self.worst_score is None:
self.worst_score = new_score
self.worst_score = min(new_score, self.worst_score)
if new_score > self.best_score:
self.best_score = new_score
return True
return False
def check_terminate(self, new_score: float) -> bool:
if self.num_snapshot <= self.patience:
return False
if self.worst_score is None:
return False
return new_score <= self.worst_score
def punish_extension(self) -> None:
return None


Source code:

This is the default callback of carefree-learn. It will report the validation metrics to the console periodically, along with the current steps / epochs, and the execution time since last report. It will also write these information to disk.


When writing to disk, _LogMetricsMsgCallback will also write the lr (learning rate) of the corresponding steps.


class OptimizerPack(NamedTuple):
scope: str
optimizer_name: str
scheduler_name: Optional[str] = None
optimizer_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
scheduler_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
  • scope
    • Specify the parameter 'scope' of this pack.
    • If scope="all", all trainable parameters will be considered.
    • Else, it represents the attribute of the model, and:
      • If this attribute is an nn.Module, then its parameters will be considered.
      • Else, this attribute should be a list of parameters, which will be considered.
  • optimizer_name
    • Specify which optimizer will be used.
  • scheduler_name [default = "None"]
    • Specify which learning rate scheduler will be used.
    • If not specified, no scheduler will be used.
  • optimizer_config [default = {}]
    • Specify optimizer's configuration.
  • scheduler_config [default = {}]
    • Specify scheduler's configuration.

Since directly constructing OptimizerPacks will be troublesome, carefree-learn provides many convenient interface for users to specify optimizer settings. For instance, these configurations will have same effects:

m =
optimizer_config={"weight_decay": 1.0e-3},

If we need to apply different optimizers on different parameters (which is quite common in GANs), we need to walk through the following two steps:

  • Define a property in your Model which returns a list of parameters you want to optimize.
  • Define the corresponding optimizer configs with property's name as the dictionary key.

Here's an example:

import cflearn
class Foo(cflearn.ModelBase):
def params1(self):
return [self.p1, self.p2, ...]
def params2(self):
return [self.p1, self.p3, ...]
m =
"params1": {
"optimizer": "adam",
"optimizer_config": {"lr": 3.0e-4},
"scheduler": None,
"params2": {
"optimizer": "nag",
"optimizer_config": {"lr": 1.0e-3, "momentum": 0.9},
"scheduler": "plateau",
"scheduler_config": {"mode": "max", ...},


Source code: _init_finetune.

carefree-learn supports finetune mechanism, and we can specify:

  • The initial states we want to start training from.
  • What parameters should we freeze / train during the finetune process, and Regex is supported!


m = cflearn.api.u2net(
"pretrained_ckpt": "/path/to/your/",
# We'll freeze the parameters whose name follows the regex expression
"freeze": "some.regex.expression",
# We'll freeze the parameters whose name doesn't follow the regex expression
"freeze_except": "some.regex.expression",

freeze & freeze_except should not be provided simultaneously


class TqdmSettings(NamedTuple):
use_tqdm: bool = False
use_step_tqdm: bool = False
use_tqdm_in_validation: bool = False
in_distributed: bool = False
position: int = 0
desc: str = "epoch"
  • use_tqdm [default = False]
    • Whether enable tqdm progress bar or not.
  • use_step_tqdm [default = False]
    • Whether enable tqdm progress bar on steps or not.
  • use_tqdm_in_validation [default = False]
    • Whether enable tqdm progress bar in validation procedure or not.
  • in_distributed [default = False]
    • This will be handled by carefree-learn internally.
  • position [default = 0]
    • This will be handled by carefree-learn internally.
  • desc [default = "epoch"]
    • This will be handled by carefree-learn internally.

Supported Models


In this section, we will:

  • Use load to represent cflearn.DLZoo.load_pipeline.
  • Use key=... to represent the __requires__ field.

It's also recommended to browse the cflearn/api/zoo/configs folder, from which you can see all the JSON files that represent the corresponding supported models.



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/cct/default.json
m = load("clf/cct", img_size=..., num_classes=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/cct/large.json
m = load("clf/cct.large", img_size=..., num_classes=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/cct/large_224.json
m = load("clf/cct.large_224", num_classes=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/cct/large_384.json
m = load("clf/cct.large_384", num_classes=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/cct/lite.json
m = load("clf/cct.lite", img_size=..., num_classes=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/resnet101/default.json
m = load("clf/resnet101", num_classes=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/resnet18/default.json
m = load("clf/resnet18", num_classes=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/clf/resnet18/gray.json
m = load("clf/resnet18.gray", num_classes=...)



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/gan/siren/default.json
m = load("gan/siren", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/gan/siren/gray.json
m = load("gan/siren.gray", img_size=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/gan/vanilla/default.json
m = load("gan/vanilla", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/gan/vanilla/gray.json
m = load("gan/vanilla.gray", img_size=...)



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/cycle_gan_generator/default.json
m = load("generator/cycle_gan_generator")


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/pixel_cnn/default.json
m = load("generator/pixel_cnn", num_classes=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/style_gan2_generator/1024.json
m = load("generator/style_gan2_generator.1024")
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/style_gan2_generator/default.json
m = load("generator/style_gan2_generator")
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/style_gan2_generator/ffhq.json
m = load("generator/style_gan2_generator.ffhq")
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/style_gan2_generator/metfaces.json
m = load("generator/style_gan2_generator.metfaces")


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/generator/vqgan_generator/default.json
m = load("generator/vqgan_generator")



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/multimodal/clip/default.json
m = load("multimodal/clip")


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/multimodal/clip_vqgan_aligner/default.json
m = load("multimodal/clip_vqgan_aligner")



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/aim/default.json
m = load("segmentor/aim")


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/default.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net")
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/finetune.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net.finetune", pretrained_ckpt=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/finetune_lite.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net.finetune_lite", pretrained_ckpt=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/lite.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net.lite")
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/refine.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net.refine", lv1_model_ckpt_path=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/segmentor/u2net/refine_lite.json
m = load("segmentor/u2net.refine_lite", lv1_model_ckpt_path=...)



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/ssl/dino/default.json
m = load("ssl/dino", img_size=...)



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/style_transfer/adain/default.json
m = load("style_transfer/adain")



# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/siren/default.json
m = load("vae/siren", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/siren/gray.json
m = load("vae/siren.gray", img_size=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/style/default.json
m = load("vae/style", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/style/gray.json
m = load("vae/style.gray", img_size=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vanilla/2d.json
m = load("vae/vanilla.2d", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vanilla/2d_gray.json
m = load("vae/vanilla.2d_gray", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vanilla/default.json
m = load("vae/vanilla", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vanilla/gray.json
m = load("vae/vanilla.gray", img_size=...)


# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vq/default.json
m = load("vae/vq", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vq/gray.json
m = load("vae/vq.gray", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vq/gray_lite.json
m = load("vae/vq.gray_lite", img_size=...)
# cflearn/api/zoo/configs/vae/vq/lite.json
m = load("vae/vq.lite", img_size=...)
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