


In this section, we will introduce how to utilize carefree-learn to solve deep learning tasks in general.

Recall that Pipeline serves as the (internal) user interface in carefree-learn, so one of the main effort of utilizing carefree-learn will be how to construct a suitable Pipeline.


After a Pipeline is constructed, another effort will be how to define our dataset. Although different tasks require different data format, carefree-learn introduced DLDataModule to unify the APIs, which means we can always utilize carefree-learn in this way more or less:

import cflearn
m = # construct `Pipeline`, based on your model
data = ... # construct `DLDataModule`, based on your dataset # train your model on your dataset!
  • Please refer to MLData section to see how to construct DLDataModule for ML tasks.
  • Please refer to ImageFolderData section to see how to construct DLDataModule for CV tasks.

As shown above, Pipeline implements fit method to train models on datasets, which is similar to scikit-learn. Details of the high level APIs will be described in the following sections.


def fit(
data: DLDataModule,
sample_weights: sample_weights_type = None,
cuda: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
) -> DLPipeline:
  • data
    • DLDataModule constructed by our dataset.
  • sample_weights [default = None]
    • This is an experimental feature and is not fully supported.
  • cuda [default = None]
    • Specify which cuda device we would like to train our models on.
    • If not provided, no cuda will be used and cpu will be used.



def predict(
data: DLDataModule,
batch_size: int = 128,
make_loader_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**predict_kwargs: Any,
) -> np_dict_type:
  • data
    • DLDataModule constructed by our (new) dataset.
  • batch_size [default = 128]
    • Specify the size of each batch we would like to use.
  • make_loader_kwargs [default = {}]
    • Specify some extra configurations we would like to use when constructing the DataLoader.
  • predict_kwargs [default = {}]
    • Specify some extra parameters we would like to use when running the forward pass.


# `predictions` will be a dictionary of np.ndarray
predictions = m.predict(data)


def save(
export_folder: str,
compress: bool = True,
remove_original: bool = True,
) -> DLPipeline:
  • export_folder
    • Specify the export folder.
  • compress [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we compress the exported stuffs to a .zip file or not.
  • remove_original [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we remove the original folder after compressing or not.


# a `` file will be generated in the current working directory"model")


def load(
export_folder: str,
cuda: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
compress: bool = True,
states_callback: states_callback_type = None,
pre_callback: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]] = None,
post_callback: Optional[Callable[[DLPipeline, Dict[str, Any]], None]] = None,
) -> DLPipeline:
  • export_folder
    • Specify the export folder.
  • cuda [default = None]
    • Specify which cuda device we would like to load the models on.
    • If not provided, we will load the models to cpu
  • compress [default = True]
    • Specify whether the saved stuffs are compressed or not.
  • states_callback [default = None]
    • Specify the callback we would like to apply to the saved parameters.
  • pre_callback [default = None]
    • Specify the callback we would like to apply to the saved configurations.
  • post_callback [default = None]
    • Specify the callback we would like to apply after the Pipeline is loaded.


def to_onnx(
export_folder: str,
dynamic_axes: Optional[Union[List[int], Dict[int, str]]] = None,
onnx_file: str = "model.onnx",
opset: int = 11,
simplify: bool = True,
onnx_only: bool = False,
forward_fn: Optional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
output_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
input_sample: Optional[tensor_dict_type] = None,
num_samples: Optional[int] = None,
compress: Optional[bool] = None,
remove_original: bool = True,
verbose: bool = True,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> DLPipeline:
  • export_folder
    • Specify the export folder.
  • dynamic_axes [default = None]
    • Specify the dynamic axes.
    • Notice that the first axis, which usually represents the batch size, should not be included here.
  • onnx_file [default = "model.onnx"]
    • Specify the name of the saved onnx file.
  • opset [default = 11]
    • Specify the target opset version.
  • simplify [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we simplify the exported onnx file using onnx-simplifier.
  • onnx_only [default = False]
    • Specify whether should we save all the information or not.
  • forward_fn [default = None]
    • If provided, we will replace the original forward pass with it when exporting to onnx.
  • output_names [default = None]
    • Specify the names of the outputs.
    • If not provided, carefree-learn will infer the correct ones automatically.
  • input_sample [default = None]
    • Specify the input sample for the forward pass.
    • If not provided, carefree-learn will utilize the training DataLoader to generate it.
      • However sometimes the training DataLoader may not exist, in which case we should provide the input_sample manually.
  • num_samples [default = None]
    • Specify whether should we use dynamic batch size or not.
    • If not provided, the exported onnx file will have dynamic batch size.
    • If provided, the exported onnx file will have fixed batch size (equals to num_samples).
      • In most cases, num_samples will be either None or 1.
  • compress [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we compress the exported stuffs to a .zip file or not.
  • remove_original [default = True]
    • Specify whether should we remove the original folder after compressing or not.
  • verbose [default = True]
    • Specify if we want to log some messages to the console.
  • kwargs [default = {}]
    • Specify other keyword arguments we want to use in torch.onnx.export.
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